On the occasion of the exhibition ROBERT SCHAD DIX by DIX
A Journey of Sculptures in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté we offer for sale a set of 6 original aquatints signed by the artist Robert Schad engraved at 30 copies by Bucciali editions of Colmar dimensions 76 x 56 cm on Velin BFK Rives 250g paper
Price per unit: 750 €
Price for a set of 4 aquatints of your choice: € 2500
Price for all 6 aquatints: 3500 €
Robert Schad has created two solid steel sculptures with a section of 45 x 45 mm, all welded by the artist and all different. The two proposals are available in 8 numbered and signed copies from 1 to 8 + 4 HC copies from I to IV.
NAMAR 2022
Steel 19 x 45 x 24 cm
ZERS 2022
Steel 39 x 43 x 12,5 cm
Selling price during the exhibition ( October 2021 / September 2023 ) : 2800€
For all orders, please contact Jean Greset 3, rue du Clos 70150 Etuz
Tel: 06 80 21 33 03 – galeriejeangreset@orange.fr
Payment to the order of the association Centre d’Art Mobile by cheque or bank transfer:
Numéro de compte : CE BFC (00300) CEPAFRPP213 FR76 1213 5003 0008 8022 9217 788