
Larians is first mentioned in a document in 1187.
The origin of the place name is not clear. It could be traced back to the Celtic word lar (river bend) or to the personal name Laderich. In the Middle Ages, the village belonged to the free county of Burgundy and, within it, to the territory of the Bailliage d’Amont. Munans formed a small dominion in its own right. Together with Franche-Comté, Larians and Munans became part of France with the Peace of Nijmegen in 1678.
Larians-et-Munans was an important place for the iron processing industry from the very beginning. The water power of the Ognon was used to operate mills as early as the 14th century.
At the end of the 17th century, a blast furnace was commissioned in Larians, which established the site of the later foundries. This was mainly used for military purposes in the 18th century (production of bullets and cannons). From the time of the French Revolution, Larians and Munans formed a double commune. The blast furnace ceased operations in 1843 and was replaced by a foundry, which now mainly produced stoves and kitchen utensils.
Today, there are two metallurgical factories in Larians.
This is one of the reasons why Robert Schad and his wife Erika acquired the former manor house of the owner of the old foundry in 1994. Mr Schad built his studios there and in 2003, he created his own sculpture park on the extensive grounds, while his wife took charge of the redevelopment of the gardens and green spaces, which were originally partially overgrown.
Erika, graduate musician, and Robert Schad have organised exhibitions and concerts to bring their cultural ideas into the rural environment.
The community of Larians, which has 250 inhabitants, is particularly well known in the region for its ‘Sports Festival’, which takes place every year on the last weekend in June and attracts thousands of visitors.
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